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Cantamos por la Paz

Our Programs
Making a Difference

All the Latest News & Information

The Tacarigua de Oro USA 2023 Awards celebrated the Voices of Peace in a Gala Night in Miami with a Red Carpet of Artistic Stars and Business Personalities that impact society.
The city of Miami witnessed on December 15 a dazzling night at the delivery of the Tacarigua de Oro USA 2023 awards, where the red carpet rolled out in the beautiful setting of Mom Petit Garden became the perfect stage to pay tribute to outstanding personalities from the Latin artistic and business world, including among the nominees and awardees multiple voices of peace, committed to the purpose of our organization.
Recent Campaigns
We are constantly creating campaigns and supporting other entities in theirs. Our last campaign for the month of February asked people to share their love for Peace on social media wit a song of their choosing tagging us.

Enjoy the coloring book
Embark on an enchanting journey with our enchanting coloring book, where two inspiring girls, Andrea and Natalia, teach the powerful lesson that kindness can transform even the darkest corners of life.
The color adventure is not just a coloring book; is a celebration of the extraordinary impact that simple acts of kindness can have.

Keep up-to-date with all the latest Cantamos por la Paz news.
About Us
The Cantamos por la Paz Foundation maintains the challenge of proclaiming respect for differences, values and brotherhood, with music as its main vehicle. In addition, it permanently extends the invitation to talents from different artistic currents such as theater and art, to join in communicating in communities, schools, and places where it is most needed, an edifying and conciliatory language through its proposals.
Our goal is to spread love and fraternity throughout the entire world. We want to contribute to sowing unity among our towns and that those who have the power of the world in their hands, open their hearts and give priority to PEACE as a human right fundamental for the life and prosperity of our lands, that they take the example of music, which is not only entertainment, but culture, sentiment, prayer, and food for the soul and that has managed to unite different generations, musical genres, trends and ideologies in favor of a world of respect, tolerance and hope.

Contact Us

A world where art unites us.
It strives to motivate both individuals and groups to seek a more peaceful and harmonious existence. In addition, We Cantamos for Peace is made up of artistic volunteers and specialists from various fields such as music, literature, gastronomy, well-being, ecology, communication and entrepreneurship, who contribute their experience to the goal of creating a world better and forge peace through growth, action, and artistic expression of the human spirit.
partners and collaborators
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Cantamos por la Paz
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